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Master the OSRA: Excel in Demurrage and Detention Management

Unexpected charges like demurrage and detention can quickly disrupt a streamlined supply chain, leading to significant financial consequences. These fees are imposed by carriers when containers exceed their free period, resulting in costly delays that can quickly become a logistical nightmare.

Embrace Proactive Solutions Against Detention and Demurrage

The upcoming OSRA rule, scheduled for May 28th (coming up), presents an opportunity for proactive action. By taking advantage of this new regulation, you can help minimize demurrage and detention and keep your business operations running smoothly and efficiently.

Remember, time is a precious commodity, and every second counts. Ensure that your business stays ahead of the game.
There are 5 proactive solutions that you can implement to outsmart these costly delays and keep your supply chain running smoothly.

Become a Customs Compliance Champion (for import/export)

To start, it's essential to become a customs compliance champion.

Delays at customs can significantly contribute to demurrage and detention, so ensure your team is well-versed in import and export regulations for every country you operate in. Double-check that all documentation is accurate and tariff classifications are correct. A proactive approach to customs compliance saves you time and money at the port.

Streamline Your Operations for Efficiency (supply chain optimization strategies)

You should also take a critical look at your internal processes. Are there communication, documentation, loading/unloading, or scheduling bottlenecks? Collaborate with both internal and external partners to streamline these areas.

Effective coordination keeps everyone on the same page and optimizes your entire operation, minimizing delays that could lead to detention charges.

Renegotiate Your Contracts: Knowledge is Power (demurrage and detention clauses in contracts)

Refrain from settling for standard carrier contracts.

Regularly review your agreements, paying close attention to free time allotments and demurrage/detention charges. Leverage historical data to negotiate for more favorable terms, including extended free time and lower fees. Keep meticulous contracts and shipping data records to support your case during negotiations.

Gain Real-Time Visibility with Powerful Tools (supply chain tracking software)

What's the key to avoiding demurrage and detention? Knowing exactly where your containers are at all times.

Invest in supply chain operations tools that provide real-time tracking. This transparency allows you to address potential issues proactively before they snowball into detention charges.

Maximizing Visibility for Optimal Results (supply chain visibility solutions)

Imagine a world where you can see exactly where your containers are in Ports, anticipate delays, and take corrective action – all from a single platform. That's the power of real-time in Ports supply chain tools like BlueCargo.

Real-time visibility is also critical to avoiding demurrage and detention. Invest in supply chain operations tools that provide real-time tracking, allowing you to address potential issues proactively before they snowball into detention charges.
BlueCargo empowers your to identify discrepancies and make informed decisions before they lead to detention and demurrage nightmares.

Empower Your Team with the Right Information

Demurrage and detention don't have to be a constant worry. By equipping your team with the right tools and knowledge, you can proactively manage your supply chain and minimize these costly delays.
BlueCargo offers you with a solution against detention and demurrage.

The OSRA Clock is Ticking - Take Control of Detention and Demurrage Charges

The final OSRA rule takes effect on May 28th, so staying aware of potential demurrage and detention regulation changes is crucial.

Request a FREE consultation with BlueCargo and learn how our platform can help you optimize your supply chain, and avoid or minimize D&D charges in the face of the new OSRA regulations.

You can also AUDIT an invoice HERE, free of charge.