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Video: How GE Appliances Minimized D&D Fees with Technology
(and How You Can Too)

Demurrage and detention (D&D) fees can be a major pain point for businesses that import and export goods. GE Appliances, a leading manufacturer of home appliances, faced this challenge head-on and achieved significant savings by leveraging technology.

In this post, we'll see how GE Appliances tackled national D&D challenges, the benefits of using technology for demurrage and detention management, and key takeaways you can apply to your own business.

GE Appliances' Success Story

GE Appliances partnered with BlueCargo to leverage their innovative technology for D&D management. This allowed them to:

The Power of Technology for D&D Management

GE Appliances' story demonstrates the power of technology in tackling D&D challenges. Here's how it can benefit your business:

Don't Wait, Take Action Now!

With the new OSRA regulations approaching, there's no better time to invest in a D&D management solution. Here's what you can do:

Learn from a Renowned Importer:

"Don't just take our word for it," as the saying goes.  Benefit from the experience of a leading importer like GE Appliances.

By implementing a D&D management solution, you can streamline your operations, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with the latest regulations.

Take control of your D&D fees today!