In the world that we live in today, visibility and data are exceptionally important, especially in our industry. Shippers, BCOs, Truckers, and Logistic Providers need to respond to bottlenecks, congestion, and stock-outs. The supply chain is under stress as we emerge from the pandemic. There is a tri-factor imbalance between demand, supply, and logistics. Carriers and logistics providers are typically the shock absorbers, while shippers tend to be the party that is blinded between those three factors.
Tracking the status of your container and mitigating your late fees at any given time is critical to avoid high detention and demurrage charges. Such knowledge allows you to achieve your business plans.
To address this challenge, we invite you to try BlueCargo Dispute™ – a game-changing platform designed to tackle these industry's challenges head-on.
WHY BlueCargo End-to-end solution™?
🚀 Recover as much as 75% of disputable per diem invoices, centralize all of your disputes in one tool, and reduce time spent processing your invoices by 95%. 🚀
Experience Outstanding Revenue Boost: 🤯 Don't miss out on recovering lost revenue. Our advanced AI-powered tool can help you reclaim up to 75% of disputable per diem invoices. Manage all your disputes with ease in one convenient tool and reduce your invoice processing time by a staggering 95%.
Simplify Your Workflow: 😍 Effortlessly plan operations. Track shipments seamlessly. Resolve invoice disputes confidently.
What BENEFITS for your company?
1. 💪🏼 Stay Ahead of the Game: Mitigate your per diem invoices with our AI-powered automated tool
Don't let demurrage and Per Diem fees catch you off guard. Our real-time tracking features empower you to stay proactive. Access backup documentation to reinforce your invoice mitigations and stay in control.
BlueCargo AI-Powered Per Diem Management™️: Our smart tool takes the hassle out of per diem management.
- Recover up to 75% of disputable per diem invoices.
- Manage all your disputes in one place, saving you time and effort.
- Reduce time spent processing your invoices by 95%.
💫 One invoice audited with BlueCargo takes 3 minutes instead of 25 and reduces your per diem fees to 25% of current costs. 🌟
Read more HERE
2. 🚢 📦 🚚 Schedule your operations with real-time and accurate vessel, terminal, and gate schedules for all US ports 🚢 📦 🚚
BlueCargo's first and only solution empowers you to seamlessly manage your intricate supply chain, encompassing: 63 US Terminals, and 23 Shipping Lines. Additionally, BlueCargo enables the tracking of over 15 million container events.
As of August 2023, our solution has delivered incredible cost savings exceeding $175 million in per diem and accessorial fees. 💰
- ⚙️ Real-Time Operations Planning:
Plan better with accurate schedules for vessels, terminals, gates, and appointments.Clear the confusion from multiple data sources into one reliable source.
- ↗️ Your Team's Productivity:
Save more than 2 hours per day for each logistics team member.
Read more HERE
3. 📊 Unrivaled Shipment Tracking and Analysis: 📊
Track shipments across 98% of US shipments in real-time. Audit container activity throughout its lifecycle. Analyze accountability for container movements, demurrage, holds, pickup, return, and per diem.
“Cost-Cutting Excellence”:
Achieve millions in savings through optimized supply chain management, and cut manual track and trace activities by 50%. 📉 🏦
Read more HERE
🌟 💫 Are you ready to step into the new era of Per Diem Management? 💫🌟
BlueCargo's End-to-End Solution™ empowers you to save or recoup lost revenue, optimize operations, and build an efficient, profitable future. Join us in reshaping the logistics landscape!
Embark on this Journey: TALK TO OUR EXPERTS